Many Indians have not been taking the lockdown, due to the novel coronavirus, seriously enough and have been seen flouting emergency rules. Bollywood actor, Akshay Kumar, has encouraged people to follow the rules through social media. In a video he has said, “at the risk of sounding repetitive, sharing my thoughts…there is a lockdown for a reason. Please don’t be selfish and venture out, you’re putting others lives at risk #StayAtHomeSaveLives. @mybmc”
Following on from this, in the hope of spreading positivity and smiles for the people of India, Akshay Kumar has collaborated with Jackly Bhagnani to produce a music video. It features other Bollywood actors such as Tiger Shroff, Vicky Kaushal, Ayushmann Khurrana, Kartik Aaryan and more – with all actors filming from their homes.
On social media Akshay Kumar said, “All we need is a united stand. Aur phir [and then] #Muskurayegaindia! Do share with your family and friends.”
*Note: MuskurayegaIndia is translated as “India will smile”.